Keep Orange Strong!


It’s an amazing community with a wonderful quality of life. We’re fighting to keep it that way: Join a broad coalition of first responders, public safety advocates, neighbors, and business leaders and Vote Yes on Z to save Orange’s quality of life!

Why Do We Need
Measure Z?

Sacramento took away tens of millions of dollars from the City of Orange’s budget. Measure Z dollars are required to stay in Orange to benefit our residents.  To preserve our safe, clean community and the services we depend on, we have run out of time to continue doing business as usual: please join Orange’s first responders and vote Yes on Measure Z.

What Does
Measure Z DO?

Yes on Z will keep our tax dollars local to address our local priorities – not Sacramento or corporate interests. Measure Z will ensure Orange can:

Maintain 911 response, fire, police, and paramedic services

Prevent theft and property crimes

Keep parks safe and clean

Prepare and respond to wildfires

Ensure children have safe places to play and safe routes to school

Reduce homelessness